5 Questions with Sierra Tuccillo

1. When did you first become a fan of Theresa/LIM? I became a big fan of Theresa's a few years ago. I've always been a big believer in Mediums. I was actually born in Long Island, myself so when I started watching Long Island medium I couldn't stop.

2. How has Theresa affected your life? After I lost someone for the first time, I was never the same. Surely enough, I will never feel the same again, but watching Theresa share her gift has give me so much reassurance and peace of mind. She has helped people all over the world continue to live their lives even when the biggest parts of our hearts were taken from us. I lost 3 more people within months after my first loss. Thanks to Theresa, I haven't given up.  

3. If you have attended The Live Experience - what was it like for you? I have not attended one yet due to financial issues, but I will be at the reading in Raleigh, NC on November 11th and I hope more then anything to even get to have a picture with Theresa and give her a hug because she changes more lives everyday and it is so beautiful. I'd love to thank her for that.

4. What is your favorite thing about the Fan Club? I love the fact we all get to be in a family based group and help one another when we all know Theresa is very busy having her messages blown up. I'm also appreciative of Sylvia, Veronica, and everyone taking the time to answer all of our questions. This group gives me something to look forward to in a community of people who don't judge and everyone is there for one another.

5. If you could give Theresa a message - what would it be? Thank you for taking your gift on in life to help every single person who's ever watched your show, had a live experience, or even met you on the road. I hope I can get a reading with you, and I have a unique gift I'd love to discuss because I wish I knew more about it. You may not have the answers, but maybe you know some advice. AS I said above, THANK YOU. I know this sounds heavy, but your show has helped me continue to live my life without my head down after so many terrible obstacles the past 2 years and I think of you very highly and I know you hear it all the time, but I am such a big fan of yours. I hope to win a photo with you in Raleigh or even get to say hello. You've impacted me and I can't stress enough how thankful I am.