5 Questions with Michelle Ricks

1. When did you first become a fan of Theresa/LIM?  I joined in 2019 so I could get tickets early to one of Theresa's show.

2. How has Theresa affected your life?  I get good vibes from her...I know when I was at her show  in Great Falls 2015...my dad kept trying to come forward... but I was on the wrong side of the room to respond .... but I did get to talk to her about my mother who had passed when I was 5 years old. 

3. If you have attended The Live Experience - what was it like for you?  I was so nervous when I was talking to her I would have liked to have asked more questions...( I lost my son a year ago to suicide) someday!  Theresa also talked to my  sister who was sitting way up in the balcony I was  on the main floor seats... She told my sister things that she needed to hear about the baby she had lost. And the other people that she talked to that she made believer...with what she had to say because it was so close to what they needed to hear which was really nice!

4. What is your favorite thing about the Fan Club? Getting to meet Theresa and to get to know her a little more and to have my picture taken with her was awesome!!

5. If you could give Theresa a message - what would it be? Thanks Teresa for being you and for giving all of us a very positive outlook on the passing of our loved ones and to know that they are still there and close to us.... Thanks for giving us hope!!!!