5 Questions with Michelle Cerdan

1. When did you first become a fan of Theresa/LIM? When the show first began.

2. How has Theresa affected your life? She has helped me through mourning and has given me hope that I will once again see my recently deceased loved ones (my mom, my wife, and my best friend)

3. If you have attended The Live Experience - what was it like for you? NA but would LOVE to attend one because I KNOW it would be amazing!

4. What is your favorite thing about the Fan Club? I just joined this week and only wish I had known about it sooner. I love the idea of being kept in the know about things going on with Theresa and LIM, but ESPECIALLY love the idea of getting to interact with her live.

5. If you could give Theresa a message - what would it be? I would love for Theresa to know she has affected my life and that I really would love to meet her face to face some day.