5 Questions with Danette Olson

1. When did you first become a fan of Theresa/LIM? I didn't even know about Theresa until I saw the previews for her show which was about 5 years ago. I just remember being absolutely floored by her gift.  My husband, Gary, and I started watching her religiously and continue to be in awe of her ability to speak with the dead and help people.  

2. How has Theresa affected your life? Theresa has made me feel differently about losing loved ones but in a good way instead of sad. I know that my loved ones are in good hands and keep watch over me. I even go so far as to talk to them to ask them to watch over me or pray for me when I need it.  My husband even gets clear messages from his family.  His father has been gone for 40 years but he's turned out to be quite a prankster.

3. If you have attended The Live Experience - what was it like for you? Gary and I have been fortunate enough to have seen Theresa live several times. I remember one of the times Theresa walked in front of us and mentioned something about a tractor.  I had hoped that my husband's dad was coming through but the message was for someone else. For all the times I'd hoped to get a reading and didn't, I'm still very happy for those people that do because I know they need it more than me. 

4. What is your favorite thing about the Fan Club? I think the Fan Club is wonderful because it gives back to the members.  I enjoy checking for touring information and getting the pre-sale links.'s fun to read about fellow Theresa fans. 

5. If you could give Theresa a message - what would it be?  I would thank Theresa for all she's done to help people. I can see the relief in their eyes when they know their loved ones are ok. I look forward to when my husband and I can finally get to meet Theresa in person and maybe if we're lucky, we'll get a reading from her.

Thank you!!!
Danette and Gary Olson