5 Questions with Connie Spears

1. When did you first become a fan of Theresa/LIM?  I started watching her show when it first came out on TLC and loved it.

2. How has Theresa affected your life? My family has always had a strong belief in life after death, and communication with those in Spirit. Theresa confirmed for me that what I believed was true. Through her books, she has helped me understand even more about how Spirit communicates and how better to deal with grief. I lost both my father and sister to cancer and when reading You Can't Make This Stuff Up I had 3 moments where I received clear messages about what I was going through!

3. If you have attended The Live Experience - what was it like for you? Four friends and I went to one of her live experiences in Oshawa. It was AMAZING! every one of us loved it! Theresa is funny and engaging. Her mediumship and connection to Spirit is mind-blowing. It was shortly after that I joined the fan club. We all said we would go to another live experience again in a heartbeat!

4. What is your favorite thing about the Fan Club? I like that it really is for the fans and about the fans. I love that members of the fan club get preferential tickets purchases, especially since there are so many scammers out there. The fan club keeps it honest and affordable.

5. If you could give Theresa a message - what would it be? Thank you. Thank you for the messages, the connection to Spirit and for helping to heal so many people through your gift. I am a developing medium at a local Spiritualist Church where I live and watching her work and seeing how she touches people inspire me to work at getting better at communicating with Spirit so I can deliver the healing that she does every day.